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Corns and Calluses

What are Corns and Calluses?

Callus is another name for hard, thickened skin. It occurs as a result of the skins normal response to friction and pressure, skin builds up to form a protective layer. A Corn is a concentrated area of Callus, with a harder core in the center. It does not have a root or any living parts. Corns are formed when skin is subject to too much pressure or friction.

Why do you get a Corn or Callus?

A Corn is usually caused by a problem with the shape, position or too much pressure on the foot or toes. It is more likely to occur in older feet as skin becomes less flexible and padding around joints under the feet can decrease with age.

They can occur when shoes are poorly styled or fitted. They can occur when foot posture is poor.

A Corn or Callus often starts in a foot that is not functioning correctly, where there is too much pressure in certain areas. Corns and Calluses on the top of the feet or toes are normally associated with poor fitting shoes. Corns and Calluses on the bottom of the foot or the sides of the feet can be associated with incorrect fitting footwear or incorrect foot posture. Shoes without enough room in the toe box will cause too much pressure on the toes and tend to cause Corns.

What types of Corns are there?

Hard Corn: This is the typical type with a hard core, usually found over the joints of the toes or under the ball of the foot. Soft Corn: These are found between the toes and are rubbery in texture due to the skin being damp.

Seed Corn: These are small Corns which occur on the soles of the feet in people with dry skin.

Neurovascular Corn: This is a hard type of Corn in which blood vessels and nerves become involved. They are very painful and can be difficult to treat. They tend to form from long term hard Corns, or where the skin has been scarred.

How should I treat my Corns or Callus?

Corns and painful or split Calluses need expert attention. Attempts at home often cause cuts, infections and sometimes ulceration. “Medicated” Corns and Callus cures that contain acids can cause complications. Anyone with diabetes, poor circulation or loss of feeling in their feet should not use any “medicated” Corn or Callus treatments. They should not try to treat Corns or Callus without having the advice of a doctor or Podiatrist.

At the Melbourne Foot, Ankle and Walking Clinic Corns and Callus can be removed painlessly by a Podiatrist with sterile instruments.