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Dry Skin and Cracked Heels

Why do I have dry skin or cracked heels?

People skin varies and some will be dryer than others. Skin tends to become drier and less supple with age. It is more likely to need attention to avoid calluses and cracks, especially around the toes and heels. Some conditions such as diabetes cause drying of the skin. Dry skin is less stretchy and elastic and more likely to tear or spilt when the foot is bearing weight. Pressure and dryness are a combination known to cause calluses and corns in many people.

dry feet treatment melbourne


Are shoes important?

Yes. Dry skin and cracked heels are much worse when no shoes or open backed shoes are worn. Dry skin and cracked heels tend to be more of a problem in summer because people wear open shoes.

What should I do about this?

Firstly, have one of our podiatrists attend to any cracks in the skin. The hard, dead skin or “callus” lining the cracks needs to be carefully removed with a sterile blade. This is a safe and painless procedure when performed by a podiatrist. Further advice will be given on how to prevent this from coming back.

What cream should I use?

Our podiatrist will guide you through this. There are three main types and no one type suits all people or all conditions.

How can I make the treatment most effective?

Apply the moisturiser recommended by your podiatrist regularly. Usually once or twice a day is recommended. After a shower is a good time to apply moisturiser.

Beware that greasy or creamy feet can be very slippery.

Dry Skin and Cracked Heels